At Wired Safe, in Sutton, we serve the local area with pride and great customer service as our priority. Energy Performance Certificates are an essential part of selling and renting properties, helping prospective tenants and new owners understand the potential costs of energy for their new home. Getting an EPC for your property shouldn’t be a hassle–but sometimes you’ll find yourself waiting weeks to get yours back. For swift and efficient energy performance certificates in Sutton.

What to expect during the survey

Inspection categories
  • Property age and type
  • Wall type
  • Lighting
  • Main and secondary heating
  • Windows
  • Roof
  • Hot water system
  • Floortype
  • Energy storage solutions
  • Basic Floor plan
What you can do to improve your rating
  • Install energy efficient bulbs (we offer this service)
  • Get a boiler programer and room thermostat installed (we offer this service)
  • Install a TRV on every radiator (we offer this service)
  • Ensure your pvc window seals are in good condition and replace them if broken (we offer this service)
  • Have double glazed windows installed
  • Have sufficient loft insulation (100mm minimum)
  • Insulate external walls
  • Have an energy efficient boiler installed
What you Get
  • An official energy efficiency rating
  • A certificate valid for 10 years
  • Published on the government site
  • Energy improvement advice

Downloads for your EPC assessment

Why choose us for your EPC certificates?

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